The Shape I Am In

I believe that while Art in the United States presents itself through means of heritage and/as gestalt, the west coast prioritizes super-superficial gestalt over inherited “artifactual fictions,” to the point of illiteracy of visual story telling. I see this as exploitable.

I want to talk about shapes, allusions, illusions, how to use and recognize the active shaping of heritage in popular programming. Understanding how to participate in the conversation about the past teaches how to leverage the future.

The Shape I Am In is a thesis presentation of how shapes convert ideas from one dimension into another.

Paintings in a signature style flocked all walls and set the viewer into seven separate dimensions, essentially portals into the inside of my mind.

Lighting, arrangements and textures in the atmosphere broadcast a safe space.

Activities were present to help thaw the viewer into an interaction with the thesis, asking for them to sit and stay. Talk. Tell.