Patience and Plunder
Patience and Plunder
Peacock / Shuttlecock
Peacock / Shuttlecock
Macadamia Mania
Macadamia Mania
Your Father and I Have
Your Father and I Have
Does This Liberal Elitist Bubble Make My Roomba Look Big?
Does This Liberal Elitist Bubble Make My Roomba Look Big?
Work Husband
Work Husband
Black Swan
Black Swan
IntroductionsPastel on Paper51" x 70" 
Patience and Plunder
Patience and PlunderPastel on Paper51" x 70" 
Peacock / Shuttlecock
Peacock / ShuttlecockPastel on Paper51" x 70"
Macadamia Mania
Macadamia ManiaPastel on Paper51" x 70"
Your Father and I Have
Your Father and I HavePastel on Paper51" x 70" 
Does This Liberal Elitist Bubble Make My Roomba Look Big?
Does This Liberal Elitist Bubble Make My Roomba Look Big?Pastel on Paper51" x 70"
Work Husband
Work HusbandPastel on Paper30" x 40"
Black Swan
Black SwanPastel on Paper51" x 70"
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